


Chadsgrove School is a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We collect information from pupils and their parents, and may receive information about pupils from their previous school and the Learning Records Service.

We hold this personal data and use it to:

• Support teaching and learning

• Monitor and report on progress

• Provide appropriate pastoral care

• Assess how well the school is doing

This information includes pupils' contact details, assessment results, attendance information and personal characteristics such as ethnic group, any special educational needs and relevant medical information.

Once pupils are aged 13 or over, we are required by law to pass on certain information to providers of youth support services in the pupil's area. This is the local authority support service for young people aged 13 to 19 in England. We must provide both pupil’s and their parent carer's name(s) and address and any further information relevant to the support services’ role.

However, if pupils are over 16, they (or their parent carers) can ask that no information beyond names, address and date of birth be passed to the support service. This right transfers to pupils on their 16th birthday. Please inform Jacqueline Pitt (School Business Manager) if you wish to opt-out of this arrangement.

We will not give information about pupils to anyone outside the school without their consent unless the law and our policies allow us to.

We are required by law to pass some information about pupils to the Local Authority and the Department for Education (DfE). If you would like to see a copy of the information about you that we hold and/or share, please contact Jacqueline Pitt (School Business Manager).

The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School. If you have any questions in this regard, please do contact them:

Data Protection Officer:  Anna Mugridge

Telephone: 01527 877262

If you require more information about how Worcestershire County Council or the Department for Education store and use your information, then please go to the following websites: 

If you are unable to access these websites,we can send you a copy of this information.


Please contact the LA or DfE as follows:


Performance Development Team

Worcestershire County Council

Children's Services

County Hall

Worcestershire County Council


Email: dprice@worcestershire.gov.uk

Telephone:01905 822067


Public Communications Unit

Department for Education

Sanctuary Buildings

Great Smith Street



Website:           www.education.gov.uk

Email:               http://www.education.gov.uk/help/contactus  

Telephone:       0370 000 2288